Musings on Music
a handy music diary for writing notation by S.Rajam
Text by S.Rajam, Text assisted by "Garland" Rajagopalan, Illustration by S.Rajam

TIRUNAL - Royal Composer: (1813-1846)
Proficient in many languages with
great talent in music, he was the Maharaja of Tiruvancore, a great patron
of arts. Lord Padmanabha of Travancore was his Ishta Devata.
Swathi Thirunal was the most celebrated
ruler of Travancore. Hailed as a child prodigy, he was a patron of all
arts. He was known for his compositions. He was a master of 13 languages.
He started composing songs at a very young age of 16.
He has composed Varnams, Javalis
& Kritis. His mudra was Padmanabha, Jalajanabha. He has composed 400
kritis. He has also provided valuable information in his book on theory
of music "Muhuna Prasanthya Prasa Vyavastha".
From Musings on Music - a handy
music diary for writing notation by S.Rajam
Text by S.Rajam, Text assisted
by "Garland" Rajagopalan, Illustration by S.Rajam