Saint Thyagaraja
The Ghana Raga Pancharatnams
Kana Kana Ruchira......
Ragam - Varali ; Talam - Adi3;
45th Mela Janyam
Everytime i see your dazzling face,
my ruchi increases !
Everyday I see you with more love,
my ruchi increases !
1. Your flawless face is like milk
and it is very beautiful.
2. Sita, with her beautiful face
sees you with her eyes with a shy feeling and to see that face of yours.
3. you have dress like the morning
sun ! You have a neck which wears garlands adorned with gems ! Oh lotus
eyed Kanna ! Oh the one with beautiful chin ! One with wonderful crown
! Whenever I see you wholeheartedly.
4. Did not Dhruva get happiness on
praying to you. He was illtreated by his stepmother Surichi. He could not
bear it and he meditated upon you.
5. Oh the one with kasturi thilakam
on the forehead ! Oh the one who bestowed heaven to Jatayu ! Did not Hanuman,
the son of Vayu praise your deeds to Sita in the Ashokavanam and on hearing
it did she not think about you ? Like that.
6. Oh the one with happiness ! The
wind which blows clouds of people who hate you ! The one who dwells in
the minds of Jeevan, Muktha and other yoginis ! Oh the form of Chittanantha
! Garudavahana ! The one with Chakrayudha ! Oh merciful ! Oh dispeller
of fear ! Sriragupathi ! To see you
7. With Hanuman who has love and
bakthi towards you and who bears your feet as witness, with the king of
Kailash Lord siva who enjoys your name as witness, also Narada, Suka, Sowkanar,
Indra, Parvathi, Sita and other people as witness ! Oh the resident in
the ocean of happiness ! For those who take refuge in you ! To see you
8. Oh the one worshipped daily by
Tyagaraja ! Oh one with a face that is more beautiful than moon ! Oh the
bestower of boons ! Everytime I see you my ruchi increases.
The Pancharatna
Saint Tyagaraja;
'Fragrant Gold of Carnatic Music' from A Garland by Shri.N. Rajagopalan
from Another Garland by Shri.N.Rajagopalan