Musings on Music
a handy music diary for writing notation by S.Rajam
Text by S.Rajam, Text assisted by "Garland" Rajagopalan, Illustration by S.Rajam

- Father of Carnatic Music System: (1484-1564)
A pioneer in bhakthi cult &
a brilliant, popular composer. His compositions inspired Tyagaraja &
Hailed as the Pitamaha (father)
of music , he united philosophy, poetry & music in his compositions.
He laid great stress on Mayamalavagaula (scale) & systematised the
early lessons in music. Born in Purandaragarh near poona to a rich banker,
Varadappa Naik, he was initially a miser & without any generous thought.
But later, he had a change of mind & was involved in various charitable
activities. He was well versed in Sanskrit & music. His compositions
are called Devarnamas. They have the essence of bhakthi & melody. His
mudra was Purandara.
From Musings on Music - a handy
music diary for writing notation by S.Rajam
Text by S.Rajam, Text assisted
by "Garland" Rajagopalan, Illustration by S.Rajam