Profiles of the later 20th century musicians, instrumentalists
SANJAY SUBRAHMANYAN - VOCALIST............(b. January 21, 1968)

at Chennai, of S.Sankaran & Aruna, Sanjay Subrahmanyan, initially
learnt the violin from Shri V. Lakshminarayana Iyer, father of Shri L.
Subramaiam and Shri L.Shankar. Later he switched to vocal music and
learnt from his grand aunt Smt Rukumini Rajagopalan and has also been
receiving advanced training from Calcutta Shri K.S.Krishnamurthi.
Sanjay has been the recipient of innumerable awards and prizes. He has
won the A.I.R prize in the men's category in 1986. He has also won lots
of prizes in the competitions conducted by Music Academy and other
leading sabhas in Chennai. He has also received the Maharajapuram
Vishwanatha Iyer Trust scholarship for advanced training.
He is closely associated with YACM and is one of the highly promising
artistes of Carnatic music today. He is said to have switched over from
violin to vocal after an injury to his hand. His rendition is free from
flaw and is crisp. A popular artiste. He has a voice that navigates
through the tara sthayi effortlessly. His alapana is imaginative and
swara prastara is well-matched to demands of the audience.He has been
regularly performing in all leading sabhas all over the country, since
1986. Sanjay is an 'A' grade artiste at AIR, Chennai. He has perormed
abroad in several countires - USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia,
Australia... He is a qualified and practising Chartered Accountant.

Santhangopalan was born to Sri M.S.Ramanathan & Smt. Jayalakshmi
Ammal. He is recognised for his tradition bound rendering. He had his
initial training from Late. Chembai C.S.Anandan, a nephew of Late.
Chembai Vaidyanatha Bagavathar and from Srirangam R.Ranganathan.
However, Santhanagopalan's talent flowered with the Gurukula training
under the famed vocalist Madurai T.N.Seshagopalan. Santhanagopalan had
his debut at the age of 10 and has been performing for the prime slots
of most sabhas in India and abroad. He is an 'A' grade artiste of A.I.R,
Chennai. He runs 'Gurukrupa', a msuic school in Chennai. Also adept at
playing veena, Mridangam and khanjira, he has lectured on music and its
USSR, USA and Reunion Islands are some of the countries that he has
visited giving concerts. He is a recipient of many awards including the
'Isai Peroli' by the Karthik Fine Arts Sabha of Chennai in 1993.

K. Santhanaraman, M.A., D.Litt. Ph.D, Retired as the Deputy Treasurer
from the Reserve Bank of India in Chennai after a forty year
service. Santhanaraman is also a well-known orator and author of several
books and numerous articles on aspects of Tamil religion and culture.
His wife Prof. V. Hema did her doctoral research on ‘Tanikai Puranam’.
She has trained thousands of science teachers in India and abroad and is
associated with five Tamil Nadu universities. Dr. Hema Santhanaraman
served as a Professor in Government Colleges.
The Santhanaramans are both writers and have given several programs in
the All India Radio and Television Channels. They are both well known
Tamil scholars of experience and erudition. Santhanaraman has written
over 35 books. The Santhanaramans continue to write and give lectures
and some of their popular lectures include Thiruvalluvar temple,
Abhirami Anthathi Villaka Perurai, Ambigai Anuboothi, Ambigai Arul
Kathaigal, Annaiyin Peyargal Aayiram, Appar, Arulalargal, Aru Samaya
Vinadi Vina, Dakshinamoorthy Thruvarutpa- Virivurai, Devi Mahatmiyam
Ealiya Urai, Kandapuranam-Vilakkavurai, Kandapuranam - Vasanam,
Kandapurana Raghamaligai, Lalitha Sahasranamam Vilakka Parurai,
Malargalil Pootha Malargal, Manikkavasagar, Mylai Sthala Varalattril
Thiruvalluvar, Nalamtharum Natramizh, Nala Charithram, Narayana Guru, Or
Ulagam, Parithiyur Sthala Varalaru, Panniru Azhvargal Pavaigalum
Palliezhuchiyum, Pullal Unarthiya Porul, Samayamum Samudhayamum,
Sambandhar, Saraswathi, Saraswathi Anthathi Theivurai, Sundarar,
Swamimalai Navarathinamalai, Thiruvizhakkal Nokkamum Payanum, Vedar Kula
Thonralgal, Vinai Theerkum Vinayakar, Vinavum Vilakkamum, Vignanamum
Santhanaraman and Hema have introduced a new pattern of performing their
discourses. They appear together on the platform and speak
alternatively in cricket commentary style. This new and unique style
attracts the audience. Most of their lectures take place in Temples,
lecture halls, schools and Universities.
(Information & photo provided by C.R. Kaushik,Texas, USA)

Sarojini Sundaresan acquired her direct tutelage for over a decade under
the Late Sri Alathur Venkatesa Iyer, father and teacher of the famous
Alathur Brothers. Her Guru imparted complete training in all aspects of
performing concepts and also teaching the great art. She commenced
her career as a performer at the age of 14. She has performed in
almost all the major cities of India - important art festivals and
concert platforms such as the Music Academy, Sathguru Sangeetha Samajam,
Gayana Samajam, Shanmugananda Sabha and Lalit Kala Academy.
She has a wide repertoire of known and very rare kritis of the popular
composers the Trinities, Purandara Dasa, Vedanayagam Pillai, Ramalinga
Swamigal, Meesu Krishna Iyer and others. She has given innumerable
concerts and lecture demonstrations in the UK.

Master Shashank was born in Rudrapatna.
Shashank displayed an ear for music at a very
early age. His father Subramanyam, a biochemist
and also an amateur flautist recognised his talent
and began his training momentarily. In 1990,
Sastry hall, Chennai was the venue for 12 year old
Shashank's debut. Since then Shashank has created
an unrivalled record as a Star performer in
prestigious organisations world over - Krishna
Gana Sabha, Mylapore Fine Arts and the Music
Academy at Chennai, Sawayi Gandharva, Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan (London), ANZ Grindlays Kalasangam,
School for Advanced Study (Princeton-USA), Swara
Laya (Delhi) and Rashtrapathy Bhavan (President's
Palace in New Delhi).
On the insistence of flute wizard MALI,
that Shashank learn only vocal music in a sound
tradition and follow his own genius to play the
flute, he learnt vocal music from Sangeetha
Kalanidhi K.V.Narayana Swamy and Sandhyavandanam
Srinivasa Rao. He acquired performing skills from
Trichur C.Narendran, a mridangam vidwan. He has
enthraled audiences in India, USA, UK, Australia,
Japan, Hong Kong, Middle East and Singapore.

Born on 1940, A.R.Subramaniam started his early training under his
father Arumugham Pillai in nadaswaram and then switched over to thavil
under his brother Palanivel.
He has performed in 3442 concerts upto 1990 - which is by any standards a
colossal figure. Laya maestro among thavil vidwans, Subramaniam's forte
is pleasing sound. He gave concerts in Europe, USA in 1985 and received
many awards - "Kalaimamani", "State Artiste Tamilnadu Government",
"Sangita Natak Academy", "Isai Perarignar" from the Tamil Isai Sangam,
Chennai (being the first thavildar to recieve the honour).

Ragunathan is one of the prime disciples of Padmabushan Sangeetha
Kalanidhi, Dr. M.L.Vasanthakumari. Sudha started her early training in
Carnatic classical music (vocal from her mother Smt. Choodamani at the
early age of nine and then continued training under Sr. B.V.Lakshman for
a brief period. In 1977, Sudha received the Central Governments'
scholarship for young artistes for advanced training in Carnatic music
for two years and she thus came under the expert tutelage of Smt.
Sudha has won over 200 prizes in music competitions conducted by various institutions at State & National levels.
Sudha has received many awards - Tamil Sangam of New York - "Amudha Isai
Vani", Bharat Kalachar - "Yuva Kala Bharathi", Karthik Fine Arts -
"Isai Peroli", Telugu Academy - "Ugadi Puraskar , "Kalaimamani".
Subashchandran had his initial training from his father T.H.Harihara
Sahrma. He also continued his percussion training under
K.M.Vaidyanathan-ghatam artiste, Palghat Ramachandra Ayyar-mridangam
artiste. He hhas held the post of Vice Principal, Sri Jaya Ganesa Tala
Vadya Vidyalaya (since 1959) founded by his father and headed by his
brother, T.H.Vinayakram after his father's demise. He has taught
percussion at the California Institute of Arts as Visiting Professor -
October 1976 - December 1977 & as Visiting Summer Music Teacher
during summers of 1989 to 1992 at Sri Venkateswara Temple, pittsburg,
Subashchandran is an accomplished percussioist whose fingers speak with
their devilrous play nd foreign countries beckon him more often to his
immense joy. Percussion is in his blood and in his family. His
dexterous, breezy play is effortless and brings out his rich expertise
born out of innate ability and association with artistes of top cadres
and styles.
L.Subramaniam is a renowned violinist and a composer in East-West
orchestral fusion. Born in an enviable environment of music as son of
Prof.L.Lakshminarayanan (1911-1990) and Seethalakshmi, he had his
training in theoretical and practical music with his father, whom
L.Subramaniam describes as 'a torch-bearer in introducing fabulous,
masterful, original, new techniques in playing the violin and as one who
introduced innovative concepts in the art'.
Subramaniam received his Master's degree in Western Classical music from
the California Institute of Arts. The intense passion he has for
Western music and the training in Indian music he had received earlier
have helped him to draw on and establish his versatility, in both the
systems and present "a blend of the melodic and rhythmic richness of his
native idiom with the contrapuntal and harmonic progressions of the
European classical music". In his multi-sided endeavours, he received
the whole-hearted participation of his musical wife, Vijayasree. He is a
stalwart soloist too. Full-blowing, tonal modulations, brevity in
presenting sangatis are among the virtues of his play.
Sangit Natak Akademi Award in 1990
SUKHANYA RAMGOPAL - GHATAM ARTISTE..........(b. June 13, 1957)
Percussion and woman are perhaps poles apart. Percussion continues to be
a near-male-monopoly. In medical parlance, percuss is to tap gently
with finger or instrument to diagnose. But when it comes to 'percussion'
in musical sphere, usually it means 'forcible striking' of something -
an instrument or otherwise. Perhaps, man in his chivalrous mood thought
of retaining this 'forcible striking' task to himself or perhaps he was
nervous of allowing the fair sex to get trained in it for obvious
reasons. We see scores of woman vocalists and instrumentalists but few
percussionists ! The first lady-mridangist is known to be Tirugokarnam
Ranganayaki Ammal (Pudukottai) and there has probably been none playing
on ghatam.
Sukhanya ramgopal was born in Mayiladuthurai (Thanjavur district) of
K.Subramanyan 7 S.Renganayaki. She took training in ghatam from
T.H>Vinayakaram, the ghatam maestro and his knowledgeable father,
Harihara Sarma for six years. She made her debut performance at the age
of fifteen. Sukhanya Ramgopal is now an accomplished, prominent and
popular ghatam player of repute. She has won acclaim in India and abroad
and is an 'A' grade artiste of All India Radio. She has been providing
accompaniment to numerous vidwans in sabhas, radio, television, etc.
with merit and grace. She has conducted and participated in many
talavadya programmes. She is the reigning lady with the ghatam!
She has developed 'Laya Raga Sangama' where a raga is played with six
ghatams with different srutis (pitch), persumably on the model of
jalatarangam. Cups with water may produce ringing, rsonant tones but
ghatam to produce sounds to formulate a raga is a herculean task. And
Sukhanya has done it! No wonder, this great grand-daughter of
mahamahopadhyaya Dr.U.Ve. Swaminatha Ayyar, the foremost of Tamil
research scholars hailed as the Father of Tamil research, is capable of
originality! .