- Lord who removes obstacles
Vinayagar wrote the Bharatham

Sage Vyasa was meditating in the
Himalayas. Lord Brahma appeared before him and asked him to write
the Mahabharatham for the benefit of all. Sage Vyasa said that he could
not compose the verse and write it down too and therefore asked for the
help of someone wise, who would write down as he sang.
Brahma asked sage Vyasa to pray to
Lord Ganesha to help him. Ganesha told Vyasa that he had enormous
work to do and hence he would write it down, only if Vyasa was quick in
singing it.
For his turn, Sage Vyasa requested
that Ganesha should understand the meaning of the verse and only then put
it down in writing.
Vyasa started singing. Whenever
he felt Ganesha was writing too fast for him, he would come with a difficult
verse, thus by the time Ganesha could decipher the meaning, he would have
composed several more verses in his mind.
In this way, Vyasa completed
Bharatham in 60 lakhs granthams. This comprises the Kandapuranam,
Ramayanam, Savithri Puranam, Nala Puranam and so on. Lord Ganesha
wrote on Mount Meru using his tusk. Of these 60 lakh granthams, 30
lakhs are supposed to be in the Deva Logam, 15 lakhs in Yatcha Logam and
14 lakhs in Asura Logam. Only the remaining 1 lakh granthams is
to be on the earth.
Sage Vyasa is supposed to
have sung
8,800 verses, which were difficult for Ganesha to decipher. Sage
Vyasa has stated that Ganesha, Sage Vyasa himself and his son Sugan are
the only ones who know the meaning of those 8,800 granthams.
The Mahabharatham is considered
the fifth Veda.
on Lord Ganesha