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"Dancing for The Divine" by Dr Susil Pani

In his book "Dancing for The Divine", the author shares pictures of dance Mudras extracted from the original photographs shot during the "Sree Geetagovinda Festival" held in 2014 at Rabindra Mandap in Bhubaneswar.

Dancing for The Divine by Dr Susil Pani

"I was one among the many photographers assigned to document the festival.  Having a couple of thousand pictures, it needed a few months for completing the editing.  At the end of about a year, I realised that quite a large number of the pictures looked much better and majestic in black and white rather than in color.  Thus, I presented my work as an exhibition of Odissi dance pictures, all in black and white at 'Sri Aurobindo Ashram Exhibition Hall' in the year 2018.  While working on this presentation, I realised that many of the postures and poses were actually some form of traditional dance Mudras.  Still some of these pictures did not fit into any specific dance posture, although they were beautiful and expressive.  They conveyed something different; though one could call these as 'abstract', there was a profound Truth underneath.

I got an inspiration from my friend Dr.Archana to read writings of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo that can relate to these photographs.  Thus the concept crystalized to present these pictures along with the writings of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo."
- Excerpt from the Preface by Dr. Susil Pani (24 Nov, Pondicherry)