Tamil Heritage Trust
Ancient Indian education is often associated with the Gurukul
system, which persisted until the introduction of English education.
While much focus is placed on its structure, the pedagogical aspects are
less explored. In his talk, "Ancient Indian Education Systems: An Exploration in the Backdrop of Modern Concepts," Prof. B. N. Jagatap,
formerly of IIT Bombay and a Distinguished Scientist at BARC, delves
into the teaching methods of ancient India, drawing connections with
contemporary educational thought. He incorporates insights from ancient
texts and the 12th-century Tamil grammar work Nannool, authored by Jain
monk Pavananthi Munivar.
Online Talk in English at 5.30 pm IST on February 1, 2025. youtube.com/watch?v=DB2FBmvhgtQ
Prof. B N Jagatap was formerly Distinguished Scientist &
Director, Chemistry Group of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai and
Senior Professor at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay. Currently, he is the Director of Uniphos
Environtronics Pvt Ltd, a UPL group of Company and co-founding director
of Srujan Educational Consultancy LLP.
Prof. Jagatap is the Chairman of the Governing Council of the S.N. Bose
National Centre for Basic Sciences (Kolkata) and worked as the Chairman
of the Research Council of the National Institute of Science
Communication and Policy Research (New Delhi). He is the Chairman of the
Steering Committee of SVASTIK, the national initiative on Communicating
Scientifically Validated Traditional Indian Knowledge to Society. He is
also the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National
Innovation Foundation. Currently he is the President of the Indian
Nuclear Society..

Tamil Heritage Trust
tamilheritage.in tamilheritage.in@gmail.com