Images that I had recently sketched for a book distributed by Ms.Anita Ratnam, dancer (her research on the lotus, India, Egypt & China)
during her performance of Utpala at various venues.
Ganesha, a small img at the bottom of the cover
Padmanabha - Brahma emerging on a lotus out of Lord Vishnu’s navel
Gajalakshmi seated on a lotus, with lotus in her hands
Adi Buddha emerging at the beginning of the world
in the form of a flame emanating from a lotus
Kwan Yin, Chinese Goddess of compassion, guardian of souls
Egyptian goddess with a blue lotus
The blue lotus opening to reveal a divine child
- the Sun God, the Creator, the source of all life
Chakras, the sacred centers
Mural in the Jain cave temple at Sittannavasal
Lakshmi standing on lotus flowers surrounded by lotus and peacocks,
1st century A.D., Kushan period, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
Ashoka pillar with lion capital, India.
Lotus pillar surmounted with lion heads, Egypt
Surya, the Sun God holding lotus in both hands and seated on a lotus
madhubani style
Sri Yantra
Siva Lingam with a lotus at the top worshipped by the Devas